Category Archives: Uncategorized

Get Bathroom Cabinet Drawer Installation By The Drawer Dude

Get Bathroom Cabinet Drawer Installation By The Drawer Dude

There are certain times when facets of your home will require a renovation, and your bathroom is no exception. It could be because you don’t find the current design of your bathroom to be fitting, or it could even be because you want to utilize more space. And if you find that you’re looking forRead More 

Kitchen Cabinet Trends

Kitchen Cabinet Trends

When you’re remodeling your kitchen cabinets to better suit a style you want, it can be often difficult deciding what you want. There are many choices to choose from, all of which could improve your kitchen’s overall quality substantially. But if you want something that will improve your kitchen’s look and function, then continue readingRead More 

kitchen remodeling project cabinets

Kitchen Remodeling Project – Dealing With Cabinets

Performing your own kitchen remodeling project is always a mission in and of itself, especially when it comes to cabinets. Kitchen cabinets are complicated to understand. More so, it’s often difficult trying to figure out how to utilize them the best. Do you aim to create more space but aren’t sure how to with cabinets?Read More 

Palm Beach County Cabinets and Drawers

How The Drawer Dude Installs Your Cabinets in Palm Beach County

Having customized cabinets installed at an affordable rate can be near impossible to find these days but if you’re fortunate enough to live in or near Palm Beach County, then you can hire the professional service of The Drawer Dude. The Drawer Dude is notorious in South Florida for installing high quality, customizable cabinets intoRead More 

custom drawers

Have Your Cabinet Undergo Conversion & Turn It Into Something New!

Feeling dissatisfied with the way your current cabinet looks or functions? If you live in any area besides Palm Beach County, you’re out of luck. Otherwise, pick up the phone and call the Drawer Dude. Drawer Dude can take almost any existing cabinet in your home and install drawers in it. If you feel theRead More